Pam and Sam had a terrible fight today. Usually when they have a fight they go to their friends for a solution and within the day things are cooled off and life is back to normal. But not this time, since, they have no-one to talk to, as their friends are out of town for the weekend and their Cellphones are switched off or out of reach.
Sam is obviously kicked out of his room today. He is in the study listening to music; it soothes him and reading news, checking mails. Suddenly the weekends are free for both of them; otherwise they would have gone to some concert or movie or doing something ‘together’.
‘He must be enjoying himself’ mutters Pam. But she is all fidgety and sad. She has to talk to someone about this; she has been like this forever. First it was her mom and then her BFFs even Sam was in this list of people to whom she would go
to seek advice and get relaxed but not today.
Nowhere else to go she goes to...…..Google.
After some gogling she finds out there are some sites to chat to complete strangers, some sites to tell your problem and people respond to it with solutions. She likes the second idea and after all the registrations she enters her problem “had a fight with the Husband”. Enter. Then she leaves to change.
After about 10 minutes she checks the replies:
Leave him.
Leave him and come to me.
Talk to him. (Not really an option for her)
Go party.
After reading a few replies she understood this won’t help her. She closes her Laptop and lie down trying to sleep, which seems impossible to do without Sam in the room. After about half-hour she starts to turn the bedside lamp on and off and then same with AC and the Television. After she had interacted with everything she possibly could have, she switches her laptop back on.
So she goes to the first option and opened a chatting site, relieved that there were no registration she enters the site.
Anonymous: hello
You (Pam): hello
Anonymous: How are you doing?
You: Not good. What about you?
Anonymous: Why what is wrong?
You: Had a terrible fight with the husband, kicked him out of the room.
Anonymous: Poor chap, what was the reason?
You: Nothing much.
Anonymous: It’s okay if you don’t want to tell. Can I guess?
You: Okay go ahead.
Anonymous: Did he lie?
You: Yes!!!! He lied. About where he was, yesterday night he came late and said he was in the office working late. :X
Anonymous: Then you confronted him?
You: Yes and he lied again.
Anonymous: Maybe he was planning a surprise for you.
You: No!!! He never does that. Anyways thanks for listening to my problem what’s your name? (Thinking Anonymous is
a man therefore he is saying stuff like surprises.)
Anonymous: Sam.
Astonished Pam disconnects. She goes to the study-room; Sam is not in the room. Pam turns and leaves thinking he was some other Sam or even some Samuel or even Samantha.
Sam returns from the balcony and smirks at the screen of his computer which reads:
Anonymous: No!!! He never does that. Anyways thanks for listening to my problem what’s your name?
You: Sam.
Anonymous has disconnected.
He closes the door which was now opened thinking maybe Pam came to check him. He says “Women!! They never trust, well it’s a consolation that someone else is also kicked out of his room.” He goes to sleep on the couch wondering why the women on the other side of the screen disconnected.
In the morning things have cooled a little bit down. Pam is preparing the breakfast and there are two plates on the dining table, Sam happy seeing this starts the conversation: “you know what happened last night, I was chatting to this woman she had also kicked her husband out but then she suddenly disconnected, I wonder why?”
Pam listening to this asks, “Where were you last night when I came to check you”, Sam replies, “I was in the room all the time”. Pam: Don’t lie to me again, where were you?
Sam with his head shook down “I went to the balcony to smoke.”
Pam now realizing the whole thing says “I love you baby.”
Sam confused “for what. Smoking!!!. Does this mean I don’t have to quit.”
Pam realizing Sam does not understands what actually happened and still thinks he is going to surprise her says “I love you and that’s why you have to give up smoking.”
Sam still confused but happy “Women……you just can’t understand them.”