Friday, June 3, 2011

Daddy Bulb on the death bed…..

After 4732 hours of giving light to this family, after witnessing deaths of two of my own children by the hands of these toddlers, tomorrow when the third generation of this family switches me on I will fuse, I will die. But son remember we are not like those neon lights or the CFLs and what not, you got a family name to uphold, we come from a very respected family of bulbs, you are a direct descendent of the bulb the Almighty made and after this night you will be the last one on this planet.
Son it is not easy to be a good bulb, they will turn you on and leave for two months on vacation and son, I will tell you this, you will get hot as hell but you should not give up, I survived three and a half months, your granddad was old he blasted right in front of me, back then you were just a torchlight, ah those days, torchlight days are the best. But son now you are in lamp with greater voltage comes greater responsibility, don’t you forget that.
One day you will get on wall like me and your mother, son, remember never fit in a weak holder, those weak things give up and they take you down with them and no bulb can survive that fall.
Darling don’t you cry, I will wait for you up there in the rooms of heaven. I will save a plug for you up there right beside me.
So let us eat. Son from today I want you to say grace…
Son: Dear almighty Edison thank you for the fuse, the strength to survive the heat, the voltage and this family…….Edis.
Everyone: Edis.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

It’s just unknown

Sometimes at crossroads in our life, when things are not ‘The Best’ we tend to believe or at least start thinking, that, what if there is only one exit to this maze called life. What if, what we do, doesn’t actually changes the end result, doesn’t actually matter. What if, working hard is just like taking the longest and the roughest route to the same exit which was right there, where we started?

Does it really matter, do we matter?
Our actions have anything to do with the result?

It is like we are inside and outside the crystal ball at the same time. What we do, affects everything and everyone around us. We don’t know we are affecting them, they don’t know they’re affected by us, in the same way as we don’t know that we are affected by them. Everyone, every living being having a sane top floor is symbiotic. The only thing we can do independently is a ‘Self-Hi-Five’ and believe me or we all know, it is not that fun, not even in the frame if we compare it to an actual ‘Hi-Five’ which is by the way totally awesome. Sorry for the sidetracking, I have been deeply affected by Barney Stinson :P. So the crystal ball, we mold our own future slow, steady and involuntarily, but, since we are symbiotic we mold everyone’s future as everyone molds our future.

It is true that the end result of solving the most elusive, most baffling problem ever know called ‘LIFE’, would be same for everyone, but life is not like a movie or it is like the most awesome-est movies ever ‘cause the end doesn’t really matter. It is a movie with infinite climaxes so if you miss one out, don’t worry there is another one, right around the corner. The life of this thing called “Life” is another thing called hope. Sometimes it transforms into faith and a beardy man is created, people gather around him, they bow and pray.
Often people say things like ‘it’s all about the journey’. Not always but in the broader sense yes it is because any stoppage, is nothing but a pause, any achievement or failure is just a part of a bigger success (or failure).
Death is absolute. True. But then again nothing is absolute. It’s just unknown ‘cause there is no one left to pass on the tale.

As anything else, Life has its perks and its turn offs. But it should be cherished the way it is, because only if tomorrow is unknown we would like to come out the world of our dreams and experience it.